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GreyM Consulting


38 St. Mary Axe

London EC3A8BH, UK

Tel: +44 20 73 69 1681

About Us

GreyM Consultancy Limited (GMC), is the UK based, Dry Bulk logistic services platform with core competencies in shipbroking, maritime consultancy, and research services.

We specialize in the business and analysis of transporting commodities such as steel, minerals, grains, and fertilizers around the world on behalf of more than clients via core trade routes. Since 2017, we have strategically engaged and provided a vital link between Charterers, Ship Owners, Commercial operators, and Port Authorities through our offices across locations worldwide.

As an organization that takes pride in its reputation, we invest in long term partnerships with reputed clients and the communities in which we work, conducting business with the utmost regard to ethical practices and sustainability.

UK Focus

2020 finds the UK dry bulk shipping industry awakening to a brave, new world of opportunity. Although directly contributing 0.6% of UK GDP and making up 1.1% of UK turnover, the UK Maritime sector plays a crucial role in the UK economy as it facilitates 95% of UK trade, including 25% of energy supply and 48% of food supplies in terms of GVA contributions as of 2018. Moreover, the UK Maritime sector is projected to grow by 15% between 2018 and 2023, suggesting a robust future outlook for the sector. 

At GreyM, we are committed to assimilating within our own value proposition certain key elements of the UK Maritime ecosystem:

  • MARITIME 2050: At GreyM, we provide solutions and guide our freight counterparts through the trade pattern shifts, legal compliance, or procedural system alignments that support the evolution of the UK’s futuristic maritime aspirations.

  • The Free Ports policy:  We encourage trade linkages that cultivate an inclusive port zoning strategy, where ports of all types and locations will feature in our regional growth strategy.

  • Brexit and IMO 2020 which will see significant structural and fundamental changes within the nation’s supply chains.

GreyM in the Industry Macrocosm

At an anticipated growth rate of 4.14% CAGR spanning 2019 - 2023, the dry bulk shipping industry strongly correlates with the global economy's health. Key to actualizing the potential of these trade dynamics are the dry bulk ships themselves. There are about 2,000 owners groups controlling the overall dry bulk fleet, of which on average, about 50% of the active fleet are controlled by 150 major ship owners.

In an industry expected to be valued at US $402.65 billion in 2023, the figure represents the immense potential that ship brokers can tap into, in terms of leveraging opportunities and maximizing value for all stake holders concerned.

Client Base

Ship Owners and Operators

Cargo Interests and Commodity Traders

Financial Institutions

Port Operators

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